10/15/15 - Here is a picture of what I have done on my Supernatural Shawl. It is resting at the end of row 42, waiting for my new 40" Interchangeable needles to arrive. I've gone this far using DPN's, then 2 circular needles. I think I will have a neater piece if I use nice flexible 40" needles as called for by the pattern. And, yes, that yellow thread is a lifeline. I started over so many times I just don't want to go all the way back to the beginning again. I am not that good at correcting all those YO and Knit-togethers and SSK stitches.
I chose grey because it represents Spirit. A mixture of black and white. At least I remember a discussion of something like that from the days when I made my Sacred Woman Quilt. At that time we were told to use Grey as the border and backing "because it represents Spirit". I will dig out my notes on that class to see if there is more to that explanation. - I checked. The instructions under materials needed were:
Silver or grey for border and backing. After the quilt is completed, sew a silver or grey strip of cloth completely around the edges of your quilt as a border. You then may choose to applique' a patch of silver or grey on all the other sections/colors to represent the overarching of Divine Spirit. As I work on this shawl, I'm thinking this is going to be a boring color. I'm getting some thoughts that beads could be added or maybe some contrasting color of embroidery thread ??????? Here is a
link to one of my blog postings with a picture of my completed quilt. You can see the grey border. Harder to distinguish from this photo is an appliqued Raven in the same grey material on each square.
Also resting is the garage apartment here at the farm. After pressure washing 2 barns, I notice the pump is running a lot. The problem? An underground water line somewhere from the house to the outbuildings is broken. Another major repair is looming. My decision? Shut off the water, winterize the apartment and deal with it next spring!
Also resting is me.....................I have a health problem to deal with. Just how much rest I need will be determined after Oct 27. Don't Worry, Be Happy!